Biden's Vax Mandate Scarier Than Halloween Kills Movie

What does President Joe Biden's latest dictate have in common with the new Halloween Kills movie? Both are terrorizing 100 million people—with one difference. Unlike Hollywood's latest horror flick, Biden's latest executive order—that companies with more than 100 employees must vaccinate, isn't fictional. His slashing of our constitutionally guaranteed personal freedoms is on par with the nightmare Halloween Kills evokes.

On Thursday, Biden made the unconstitutional, mandatory vaccination decree, saying, "We've been patient, but our patience is wearing thin—and your refusal has cost all of us." Biden blamed American citizens, upwards of 100 million who have chosen not to be vaccinated for a variety of personal, health, and religious reasons, as the real problem in the fight against COVID. "This is not about freedom or personal choice," he said.

Whatever happened to "My body, my choice"? When it comes to abortion, he's for freedom and choice; not so with the mandatory vaccinations of 100 million people.

Ironically, Biden-Harris Administration policies exclude forcing the vax upon illegal aliens crossing the border. Upwards of 30 percent of illegal immigrants have refused to be vaccinated against COVID. American citizens will no longer enjoy that same choice if Biden's mandate survives a swarm of legal challenges.

Read the rest of the blog HERE. Oh, and for the record, avoid the Halloween movie as if it were the plague.