Memo to AOC: Be the Rich

“We need to have a conversation in this country about working families,” said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez last Monday. While the real working class was at home watching Monday night football—wearing a mask between sips of their Budweiser, AOC, the former bartender turned social justice activist/warrior, shed her mask, donned a white dress, and hobnobbed with Saweetie, Jennifer Lopez, Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian, Ben Affleck, Lil Nas X, Billie Eilish, AKA the wealthy class.

Oh, the perks of being a servant of the people.

AOC’s ticket was reportedly comped. But her rich and famous peeps paid upwards of $35,000/ticket—with tables costing at $275k—for a seat at the elite MET fundraising gala. Reactions on social media and in the press were swift and divided over her “bold” and “courageous” political message emblazoned on the back of her dress: TAX THE RICH.

Washington Examiner’s Jerry Dunleavy blasted her hypocrisy, saying, “AOC wanted to hang out with a bunch of rich celebs at a cool party without losing her socialist street cred, so she tossed ‘Tax the Rich’ on the back of her dress & called it a day. It’s not much more complicated than that.”

[SNIP] Conservative Christian commentator Charlie Kirk got it right with his new line of clothing merchandise based on AOC’s dress. Instead of advocating TAX THE RICH, his white and red t-shirts say: BE THE RICH.

If AOC really wants to help her constituents, that’s the radical notion she should be pushing. She should show how the middle-class can leverage their freedoms, their creativity, their own efforts to improve their economic standing—rather than going through life as a Taker “panhandling for handouts,” which enslaves the human spirit by promoting a victimhood mentality.

Read the rest of the post HERE.